In ABB's production of high-tech equipment, it is important to ensure the quality of key components before they are assembled into a finished product. That's why we have created a test device that measures the contact pressure on a component that is part of their power stations.
The component being tested is a so-called tulip socket, and is part of ABB's advanced products that are made here in Skien. The contact consists of several segments that stand in a circle, and one of the challenges has been to find a measurement method that measures total pressure from these segments towards the surface they meet. A very special geometric design of the measuring points, as well as the use of high-resolution load cell technology, has been the key to repeatable and robust functionality.
The component is inserted into the tester, which then performs the measurement process. The result is displayed on the panel together with an indication of whether the component has been rejected or approved. The result is logged and reported further.
The device is designed for installation in a workbench.
Cody has delivered various specially designed solutions to ABB for over 20 years and knows their products and the production in Skien very well. Such cooperation and insight enables us to create better and more comprehensive solutions together with the customer.